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A total of 35 results were found for “Sustainability Report”

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The Future of Energy, Aurora Spring Forum

By Iain Conn Group Chief Executive...

The Future of Energy, Aurora Spring Forum

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New energy technology could save British hospitality and leisure sector £310m-a-year

UK businesses in the hospitality and leisure sector could save at least £310m-a-year on their energy bills by adopting new energy technologies like solar panels a...

New energy technology could save British hospitality and leisure sector £310m-a-year

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Building a cleaner economy with technology

By Jim Rushen Head of Environment...

Building a cleaner economy with technology

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British Gas becomes the largest supplier to receive Carbon Trust certification for its business renewable electricity tariffs

British Gas becomes the largest supplier and second overall to gain product assurance from world-leading authority on sustainability. Certification for electr...

British Gas becomes the largest supplier to receive Carbon Trust certification for its business renewable electricity tariffs

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Centrica publishes report showing how new energy technology could meet more than half of 2030 carbon reduction targets

The 'Powering Sustainability' report highlights the opportunities for distributed energy technologies. Centrica plc has today released a new report which shows that new energy technology could meet more than half of the 20% carbon reduction...

Centrica publishes report showing how new energy technology could meet more than half of 2030 carbon reduction targets

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Energy leaders are significantly more likely to outperform competitors

Firms with an energy strategy are more than twice as likely to be ahead in their market One in three organisations are now looking towards energy to support thei...

Energy leaders are significantly more likely to outperform competitors

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Building strong communities

We are increasing the positive impact our presence has in society by working with communities to address key issues, while contributing to the local economy. Highl...

Building strong communities

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Enabling the low carbon transition

We are tackling climate change by reducing emissions across our business and providing products and services that lead to a lower carbon future. Helping customers...

Enabling the low carbon transition

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Recognition for best practice from working mums

In a report published last week by, Centrica demonstrates how companies can better support women and families in the workplace. Following Centric...

Recognition for best practice from working mums

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The British Gas Energy Trust’s impact across Britain

The British Gas Energy Trust has spent more than £78 million helping those in need with their energy bills over the last decade.  An independent study found that f...

The British Gas Energy Trust’s impact across Britain

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Coming top of the class in CDP

Ivor talks about Centrica succeeding in CDP Our latest blog is from Ivor Gibbons, Corporate Responsibility Manager at Centrica. Ivor leads on the Group’s sustainability reporting as well as working on...

Coming top of the class in CDP

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Knowledge is power when it comes to energy efficiency

Centrica - Knowledge is power when it comes to energy efficiency Today’s guest blog comes from Jorge Pikunic, Managing Director of Smart Metering at British Gas. Jorge focuses on a recent EU directive...

Knowledge is power when it comes to energy efficiency

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Working together to tackle youth unemployment

Centrica - Working together to tackle youth unemployment Despite youth unemployment showing signs of decline as the economy continues to recover1, we believe it remains one of the single greatest chal...

Working together to tackle youth unemployment

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1,000 green jobs created nationwide for young unemployed

British Gas has announced plans for 1,000 skilled jobs over the next three years. All the roles will be filled by unemployed young people. British Gas has announced plans for 1,000 skilled jobs over t...

1,000 green jobs created nationwide for young unemployed

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DE’s Green Schools initiative already delivering savings

Direct Energy celebrates the success of the Green Schools initiative, a two year programme to educate students and communities on energy efficiency Direct Energy is celebrating the success of the Gr...

DE’s Green Schools initiative already delivering savings

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